Team Work!
So the image I am providing you this evening is of two of my teammates. These two have worked very hard on their pairs routine. I have seen them do some of their routine at the trot as well. They have come a long way and are a strong force to be reckoned with when it come to competitions especially.
This picture is from the team practice the other night and I had to get at least one picture of their cool moves! I missed out on the handstand move. Though I'm sure I'll get the chance over the summer to post a picture of that move. Trust me, nothing says strength like holding a handstand on the back of a moving horse!
As for me, there isn't much to post on my end of training. I've just been focusing on my routine and compulsories for this weekend's competition the team is heading to.
So, I leave you with good vibes and bide you all a going evening.